If you’re looking for a sleep consultant who really gets to know you, understand your situation, and will create a bespoke plan of action, Emma is absolutely your girl.
- Jo & David -
Are You Ready
To Make Gentle Changes?
Has a sleep association become unsustainable?
Have naps become a nightmare?
Bedtime battles?
Waking super early?
Night waking becoming too much?
I work holistically to find gentle solutions to help your family get better sleep. No cry it out!
Book in a free 15-minute call to see if we’re a good fit, with no obligations or pressure, promise!
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Working With I See The Moon
I’m passionate about empowering families with tools, strategies, and information on what is developmentally normal infant behaviour around sleep. I really believe that this deeper understanding of what is happening with our little one’s sleep, and why, helps us as parents feel less frustrated at the situation and often better equipped to handle it.
It also makes it easier to cancel out the noise of what society thinks we should be doing and to focus on following our parenting instincts and responding to our little one's cues.
I don’t ever promise that your little one will suddenly sleep 12 hours straight if it’s not something they are developmentally ready for, but I can promise that together: me with my sleep expertise and you as the experts on YOUR little one, we will work on creating a sleep plan that optimises sleep, attachment AND works best with your family dynamics using strategies that you’re comfortable with and never leaving your little one to cry alone.
Here's a little more about what you can expect...
Attachment Focused & Responsive Approach
Evidence Based Gentle & Holistic Strategies
Genuinely No Cry It Out
Judgement Free & Inclusive
Sleep Diary Analysis & Individualised Recommendations
Dedicated Follow-On Support
More About
Hello! I'm Emma; a certified OCN Level 6 Holistic Sleep Coach (the highest level of training in the UK), and Welsh/Italian mamma to two little boys aged 4 and 2: Arlo and Rudy, and just like you I have experienced the helpless feeling of sleep deprivation, the dark hole of googling "how to get my baby to sleep" and being confronted with so much conflicting advice.
If this is you right now then I can totally empathise and am sending you a big cwtch (a Welsh cuddle!). All I can tell you is that there are gentle ways to improve sleep without leaving your little one to cry alone or going against your parental instincts and you also don't have to wait it out either.
I offer 1-1 support for families looking to get better sleep with friendly, evidence based, non-judgemental advice and guidance. I’ll work with you to get to know you and your little one and create a bespoke sleep plan to suit your family.